CJI mission statement

The Center for Independent Journalism is a non-governmental organization active for over 29 years in protecting democracy and those who believe in its values.

People, governments, practices and threats have changed over the time. CJI remains a promoter of universal values and a partner of those who want to contribute to the consolidation of a free and diverse society.

29 years in the service of freedom of expression and education. 29 years of activism and training. Over 15.000 media professionals, 4.500 teachers and 100.000 students passed our threshold over time. They learned from us, we evolved along with them. We continue to promote fundamental democratic values for new generations through our programs.


Public interest

We believe that correct information is part of the wellbeing of society. We cultivate responsibility, transparency and fairness. We work to protect human rights and citizens’ freedoms. We are convinced that together we can build a better climate.

Critical thinking

We encourage citizens to get active in their communities, be inquisitive and critically evaluate information. We believe that media literacy becomes indispensable in a world where algorithms influence our choices more than people.

Freedom of expression

We protect people’s right to express themselves creatively and responsibly, in a society where freedom of expression is a fundamental value.


We support and advocate for the preservation of the highest journalistic standards and for relevant training of professionals in the field, for the development of a balanced media landscape.


We nurture, stimulate and promote innovation in journalism in order to connect Romanian media outlets to global trends so they can act more effectively and in a more sustainable way.


We believe in constructive debate, pluralism of ideas and opinions in the public space and we make sure they are heard.

  • Team
  • Board

When CIJ projects reach their goals, people are closer to their dreams. Our team makes things happen. 

With a vision for what the future means in freedom of expression, journalism and media literacy, with a passion for large-scale projects, which include as many professionals and citizens as possible, this is our team.

Executive Director

In college, she was convinced that she would do political communication, but one day, in 2002, she discovered CIJ. She firmly believes that without journalism we are all more vulnerable and she divides her days between protecting freedom of expression and media literacy for young people.

Media Expert

Ioana is the President of CIJ's board. She has over 25 years' experience in journalism, working as an agency and TV journalist. In 2013, she received the European Citizen of the Year Award from the European Parliament.

Program Director

Cristina started as a volunteer in good governance and youth projects. Specializing in organizational communication, authorized trainer and  project manager, she continued by coordinating projects and consulting NGOs. At CIJ, freedom of expression and media literacy have become her main concerns.

Project Manager

Bianca came to CIJ as an intern during her studies. Here, she discovered what freedom of expression really means and why it is important to protect it at all cost. She also learned how it can be protected through media literacy.

She hopes for a better world, where the representation of vulnerable groups in the media is ethical and equitable.

Media expert

Bianca Oanea was a journalist for more than 15 years, from editor to editor-in-chief, from print to television. She believes in the power of stories to change the world. Stories can inspire us, encourage us to act, generate new ideas and unite different groups.

Communication and PR assistant

Veronica studied journalism in university, but in the meantime she realized that she could be one of the watchdogs of democracy at the CIJ. She believes in the power of words to shape the world we live in and takes advantage of this to promote freedom of expression, critical thinking and CIJ's projects.

Projects assistant

Alina graduated from the Faculty of Political Science but fell in love with media literacy. She believes that an educated country is a country prepared for the future and that media literacy is more important than ever for the educational process. Open-hearted towards people, journeys and stories, she is glad to be part of CJI's journey.

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CIJ team is supported by valuable people from the industry and education, who design paths and clarify the future.

This is the place where priorities are set and CIJ values are watched over. And CIJ values are the fundamental rights.


The Center for Independent Journalism

Vice President

Managing Partner DC Communications


Photo credits: Valentin Mirea (Biz Magazine)


Executive Director, the Center for Independent Journalism


Prof. Univ. PhD in the Department of Journalism and Communication Sciences Programs, Al. I. Cuza Iasi


External Affairs Ghilead Sciences for Romania and Bulgaria


Lecturer at the Faculty of Journalism and Communication Sciences Bucharest

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There are projects and projects, and there is the “Laboratory”, a program that is a necessity today as much as yesterday, in order to better understand tomorrow. For me, the project means reconfiguring my teaching approach and resetting myself as a human (or vice versa).

Monica Halaszi
Professor of Romanian Language and Literature, Liviu Rebreanu National College, Bistrița


We clarify encrypted messages, they clarify the numbers for us. CIJ programs and actions could not be carried out without the support of people and entities who want as much as us to build a better society.

They are the ones for which the development of the press, education of the public in the spirit of correct information, and support of a democratic society are a priority.


The bridges we have built with industry and education professionals add value to our projects, as they share their expertise, experience, grass-roots practices and help design tomorrow.

Romanian trainers

Dan APOSTOL, Money Channel
Liviu AVRAM, Adevărul
Sorin AVRAM, freelancer

Alina BARBU, Info Pro

Horea BĂDĂU, Asociația Consumatorilor de Media, Facultatea de Jurnalism și Științele Comunicării               

Dolores BENEZIC, Curierul Național

Raimond BOBAR, Men’s Health

Mircea CASTER                             

Petruț CĂLINESCU, Centrul Român pentru Jurnalism de Investigație
Iulian CĂNĂNĂU, Universitatea București
Ștefan CÂNDEA, Centrul Român pentru Jurnalism de Investigație
Cornel COJOCARU, Banca Comercială Română

Ovidiu CONSTANTINESCU, BBC Romania      Cristi CURUS, România Liberă

Bogdan CRISTEL, Reuters                           

Emilia CHISCOP, Ziarul de Iași                        Vitalie COJOCARI, PRO TV

Livia CIMPOERU, Green Report

Sorin CUCERAI, freelancer

Nicoleta DANDU, Radio România Actualități
Vlad ENACHE, NEXT Advertising

George ENE, Clubul Român de Presă

Andrada FISCUTEAN, Info Pro
Nadina FORGA, Realitatea TV
Ion GEORGESCU, Institutul Român de Training

Cristian GROSU, Cotidianul

Eugen ISTODOR, Academia Cațavencu
Cornel IVANCIUC, Academia Cațavencu

Adrian LUNGU, Euractiv.ro

George LĂCĂTUȘ, Cotidianul

Cristian LUPȘA, DOR
Alexandra MĂNĂILĂ, Colegiul medicilor
Vlad MIXICH, Hotnews

Bogdan MANOLEA, Asociația pentru Tehnologie și Internet

Ciprian NICOLAE, Constrain

Ovidiu NAHOI, Evenimentul Zilei
Tudor OCTAVIAN, Acadmeia Cațavencu
Sorin OZON, Centrul Român pentru Jurnalism de Investigație
Cristian PANTAZI, Hotnews
Cosmin PĂCURARU, Radio Mix


Adina POPESCU, Dilema Veche
Iaromira POPOVICI, Dilema Veche

Manuela PREOTEASA, Euractiv

Andrei PUNGOVSCHI, Mediafax

Dan POPA, Adevărul
Paul Cristian RADU, RISE Project
Claudiu SĂFTOIU, Evenimentul Zilei

Radu SOVIANI, The Money Channel
Cristina STĂNCIULESCU, Viva/Radio Total
Radu STOIȚĂ, Asociația Română de Dezbateri, Oratorie și Retorică
Dan SUCIU, Money Channel

Costel TROFIN, TVR, Universitatea Babeș Bolyai
Emanuel TĂNJALĂ, freelancer
Dan TAPALAGĂ, Hotnews
Robert TURCESCU, Radio Total
Alex ULMANU, StartMedia
Cristina VASILOIU, The Economist Intelligence Unit
Codru VRABIE, Institutul Român de Training

Mihai VASILE, Mediafax

Valentin ZASCHIEVICI, Jurnalul Național


Daniel CIUREL, Universitatea
Tibiscus Timișoara
Iulian COMĂNESCU, freelancer
Cristian GHINEA, Dilema Veche
Manuela PREOTEASA, Euractiv.ro
Mihai SELEGEAN, Institutul Național de Magistratură
Iulian TUCA, Deutsche Welle


International trainers

Eric ADAMS, Knight Fellow
Linda ADAMS, freelancer
Robert ANDRESSEN, freelancer
Bailey BARASH, Knight Fellow
MJ BEAR, Knight Fellow
Mike BEARDSLEY, Knight Fellow
Nancy BENSON, Knight Fellow
Will CORBIN, Knight Fellow
Douglas COSPER, Knight Fellow
Dean COX, Knight Fellow, Transitions Online
William DICKINSON, Knight Fellow
Merle DIELEMAN, Knight Fellow
Rob EURE, Knight Fellow
Alan ELSNER, Knight Fellow
Lucinda FLEESON, Knight Fellow
Karen FREEMAN, Knight Fellow
Susan FRIEDMAN, Knight Fellow
Jean GARNER, Knight Fellow
Meg GAYDOSIK, Knight Fellow
Larry GERBER, Knight Fellow
Rebecca HAGGERTY, Knight Fellow
Bobby HAWTHORNE, Columbia Scholastic School Association
Shirley YASKIN, Columbia Scholastic Press Association

Hellen SMITH, Columbia Scholastic Press Association

Jill HODGES, Freedom Forum
Ed JONSON, Knight Fellow
Timothy KENNY, Knight Fellow
Steven KNOWLTON, Knight Fellow
Rebecca LIPKIN, Knight Fellow
Patty McCRACKEN, Knight Fellow
Mark MILSTEIN, freelancer
Marco MULCAHY, Knight Fellow
Mel OPOTOWSKY, Knight Fellow
Karen Schmidt, Fulbright Fellow
John SMOCK, freelancer
Pamela TAYLOR, Knight Fellow
Beth THOMPSON, freelancer
Brad THOMPSON, Penn State University
Liane THOMPSON, Knight Fellow

Patrick COX, The World


Janis OVERLOCK, Independent Journalism Foundation

Milica PESIC, Media Diversity Institute




Lista formatorilor și colaboratorilor este în curs de actualizare. Ea indică poziția profesională a acestora în momentul desfășurării programului.

We have the same values.
Help us defend them and bring them further. Take part in the marathon of democracy. Donate!

Many challenges. Few resources. We must build an honest and balanced climate together, because without responsible journalism and active, involved citizens there is no democracy.

CIJ has been a protector of standards and an agent of change for more than 25 years. Through education, through advocacy, through promotion of innovation.

Be our partner! Choose to support us through a single donation or using the recurring donation option.