Youth video competition seeks entries

Aspiring videomakers ages 18 to 30 can enter this contest.

The Global Youth Video Competition on Climate Change, organized by the UNFCCC secretariat and the UNDP-GEF Small Grants Program, seeks videos of up to 3 minutes showcasing your activities to fight climate change.

The competition has two categories: responsible production and consumption, and green and climate-friendly jobs. Videos must be in English or have English subtitles.

Two winners will receive an all-expenses trip to the 24th session of the UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP 24) December in Katowice, Poland, where they will work as youth reporters assisting the UN Climate Change team with videos, articles and social media posts.

The deadline is Aug. 31.

For more information on how to apply, click here.

(sursa: International Journalists’ Network)